Meeting documents

Swale Rural Forum
Tuesday, 27 August 2013

swale rural forum

MINUTES of the Meeting held at The Red Lion Public House, Crockham Lane, Hernhill, Faversham, ME13 9JR on Tuesday 28 May 2013 from 7:00 pm to 8:20 pm.

Present: Councillor Prescott (Chairman), Councillor David Simmons (Vice Chairman), Councillor Barnicott, Bobbin, Monique Bonney, Lloyd Bowen, Bowles, Lesley Ingham, Gerry Lewin, John Morris, Ben Stokes and John Wright. Other Organisations Mr Rollo Parsons (Swale National Farmers Union (NFU)), Mr Peter Blandon (Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE)), Chief Inspector Tony Henley and Inspector Gavin Wade (Kent Police) and Parish Councillor Baldock.

Officers Present: Kellie Mackenzie and Emma Wiggins.

Also In Attendance: Mr Johnson (CXK Limited), Mrs Tucker and Mrs Attaway (Upchurch Parish Council) and County Councillor Burgess.

Apologies: Councillors June Garrad, Nicholas Hampshire and Pat Sandle, Reverend Caroline Pinchbeck, Liz Harrison (KCC), Pamela Prescott (SEESwale)and Bill Ronan (KCC Liaison Officer).


election of chairman


(1) That Councillor Prescott be elected Chairman for the Municipal Year 2013/2014.

election of vice-chairman


(1) That Councillor David Simmons be elected Vice-Chairman for the Municipal Year 2013/2014.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 January 2013 (Minute Nos. 472 - 479) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

Parish Councillor Mike Baldock requested that a report on the storage requirements of animal and human waste in the countryside be included on the agenda for the next meeting on Tuesday 27 August 2013.

Democratic Services Officer

declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


part a minutes for recommendation to cabinet


public session

Mrs Sara Tucker (Upchurch Parish Council) asked for ideas on how to control parking during school times and also the issues caused by speeding vehicles through villages.

Parish Councillor Baldock advised that he would be attending a meeting on 19 June 2013 and it was hoped that information sharing at that meeting could help to address the problems. Some Members spoke of similar problems in their wards and that there was growing concern about the lack of enforcement from Kent Police.

Chief Inspector Tony Henley (Kent Police) stated that they were overwhelmed with the problem. Inspector Henley stated that Police Community Support Officers were useful in helping to resolve some of the issues but they did not have powers to enforce parking. He suggested one way to improve the situation would be to engage with headteachers so they could get the message across to parents.

Chief Inspector Henley advised that Swale Borough Council's (SBC) parking enforcement were very responsive in dealing with parking issues and encouraged Parish Councils to view their website for further information on parking enforcement:

Councillor Lewin considered that 20 mph limit through villages with traffic calming schemes provided could be a solution. It was agreed that a letter outlining the Forum's views should be forwarded to the relevant Kent County Council (KCC) Cabinet Member for a response.

The following other points were raised: need to ensure the relevant signage was erected when zig-zag lines were installed to assist enforcement; traffic calming would not help to reduce parking outside schools; and speed limits and traffic calming were no use if they were not being enforced.

There was some discussion on whether KCC had a blanket policy not to support 20 mph speed limits in rural areas and Chief Inspector Henley agreed to clarify whether this was a Kent or countrywide policy.

Chief Inspector Tony Henley
(1) That a letter be sent to the relevant KCC Cabinet Member outlining the Swale Rural Forum's concerns about inappropriate parking outside village schools; speeding in rural areas and what action can be taken to address both issues.

appointment of representative to sit on the swale rural forum

The Chairman advised that a letter had been received from the Leader of KCC advising that they would be appointing the KCC representative to sit on the Rural Forum at their Selection and Member Services Committee due to be held in early June 2013.


update from kent police

The Chairman welcomed Chief Inspector Tony Henley and Inspector Gavin Wade to the meeting.

Chief Inspector Henley spoke about PCSOs and how they were helping to reduce crime in rural areas. He explained that the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) was currently sponsoring recruitment of new PCSOs but was uncertain whether given the pending spending cuts how this may impact on resources.

Chief Inspector Henley spoke about the mini mobile police stations which would commence on 1 July 2013, and stated that a number of Swale's PCSOs were involved in the initiative which would operate Tuesdays - Sundays each week.

Inspector Wade spoke about Operation Nonagon 5 which was a cross border initiative to target criminals in rural communities. Inspector Wade advised that it was the fifth time the operation had been run and was now held regularly to identify people suspected of crimes in rural areas, such as oil theft and poaching.

Inspector Wade advised that more than fifty officers, made up of neighbourhood officers, PCSOs, special constables, the force's rural partnership team and the gypsy liaison team were deployed from Swale, Ashford, Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells on Thursday 23 May 2013. Road checks and a number of warrants were served including one in Faversham for drugs offences.

Inspector Wade further reported that Kent Police had also teamed up with the Environment Agency to crack down on the illegal disposal and burning of waste at rural sites.

In response to a query, Chief Inspector Henley, stated that the use of firearms near footpaths was difficult to police if the landowner had given their permission and each case had to be looked at individually. It was also important to contact the Police immediately so the situation could be assessed there and then.

The Chairman thanked Chief Inspector Henley and Inspector Wade for their updates.


kent rural plc annual report

The Chairman advised that unfortunately Mr Lumsdon-Taylor (Director of Finance and Resources, Hadlow College) had not been able to attend the meeting so the item would now be considered at the Swale Rural Forum meeting due to be held on 19 November 2013.

Post Meeting Note

This item will now be considered at the Swale Rural Forum on 11 February 2014.


rural youth services

The Chairman welcomed Mr Garnet Johnson (CXK Limited) to the meeting.

Mr Johnson gave a presentation about the Community Activity Teams (CATs) scheme. He advised that CATs was a mobile youth service operating across Kent and was being delivered as part of the KCC Integrated Youth Service.

Mr Johnson explained that the CAT teams delivered a broad spectrum of youth services from various venues and locations according to local need and services would include: information, guidance and advice, positive activities and a range of interventions around sexual health, alcohol and drugs and health and wellbeing. Services targeted 11-25 year olds with specific focus on 13-19 year olds and the Lead for Swale was Bianca Reynolds.

Mr Johnson advised that the service would operate in Swale as follows:

Monday - Leysdown (layby opposite the park) - 15:30-18:00
Halfway House (Scrapsgate Green) - 18:30-21:00

Tuesday - Upchurch, inc. Lower Halstow (Chaffes Lane) - 18:30-21:00
Iwade (Woodpecker Drive) - 18:30-21:00

Wednesday - West Minster - 15:30-18:00
Murston - 18:30-21:00

Thursday - Quinton (By Community Centre) - 15:30-18:00
Milton Regis (Milton Regis recreational ground) - 18:30-21:00

Friday - Kemsley (opp community centre, also in the park) - 15:30-18:00
Minster on Sea, Noreen Avenue - 18:30-21:00

Saturday - Warden Bay (behind community centre ME12 4NB) - 13:00-15:30
Eastchurch (next to scout hut in the park ME12 4EY) - 16:00-18:30

Some Members raised concern that the service did not appear to operate in many rural areas which was a concern given that transport was an issue for many young people. Mr Johnson advised that the Integrated Youth Service had pinpointed areas where the service was needed. However, he acknowledged that local councillor knowledge was vital in identifying areas where they were aware there was a need for the CATs scheme.

In response to questions, Mr Johnson advised that the service was being advertised via twitter, facebook and distribution of flyers and via Parish Councils. They did offer a mentoring service to support villages and local people to operate youth clubs and this was free of charge and they could adjust dates and timings of the CATs scheme to suit local needs. Mr Johnson advised that they would be more than happy to attend Parish Council meetings to assist parishes with the setting-up of youth groups.

Discussions ensued and the following points were made: Teynham Parish Council were currently in the process of setting up a youth group in consultation with KCC; suggest a pick-up service to rural villages so a wider area was covered; would be helpful if the service could offer technical support for voluntary groups; and capacity was a problem for smaller villages.

Mr Johnson advised that further information could be found at the CXK Ltd website can be found here:
Emma Wiggins (Head of Economy & Communities) agreed to add this to Swale Borough Council's website.

The Chairman thanked Mr Johnson for his presentation (circulated with these minutes).


rural businesses engagement with the education system

The Chairman introduced the update report and asked Members whether they felt it should still remain as a standing item on the agenda.

Parish Councillor Baldock stated that initially it was agreed as a standing item to discuss apprenticeships schemes and how they can develop in rural areas. He raised concern that an easy guide for Parish Clerks on the apprenticeship scheme as agreed at a previous meeting, had still not been provided. Parish Councillor Baldock acknowledged the work undertaken by the National Farmers Union (NFU) but stated that there were other rural organisations to engage with.

The Head of Economy & Communities advised that SBC had tried to engage with rural businesses about the apprenticeship scheme but not had much response.

Councillor Wright spoke about the issues for farmers around sourcing European workers and the difficulties they had in taking on apprentices.

Councillor Lewin considered that the item should remain as a standing item but the heading should be amended to avoid confusion. He proposed the following motion: That the item be re-named, Rural Business Opportunities, and remain on the agenda as a standing item. This was seconded by Parish Councillor Baldock. On being put to the vote the motion was agreed.

(1) That the item, Rural Businesses Engagement with the Education System be renamed Rural Business Opportunities, and remain on the agenda as a standing item.

update - waiting restrictions at brenley lane, boughton

The Chairman reported that all waiting restrictions had now been installed as requested. KCC Highways were aware however that a give-way line had been missed but this was due to be installed shortly.


venue for next meeting

That the next meeting on 27 August 2013 be held at Hartlip Village Hall.

All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting